Съемки с первой репетиции Теодора Курентзиса на посту главного дирижера SWR Orchestra и одно из первых интервью.
Some video footages from the first rehearsal of Teodor Currentzis with SWR Orchestra as the chief conductor, and one of the first interviews.
Название: Разговор о действительно важных вещах
Title: Über wirklich wichtige Dinge sprechen
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In general in our lives wе always find time for the unnecessary things.
In music we are free to talk about the important things. Music is the language. It is the language of angels. My work is to inspire people and to give them a space to talk about the important things. That is the only work I’m doing.
Symphonic orchestra for me doesn’t exist. For me it’s a big chamber orchestra where everybody is necessary.
When you go to the church or to the concert hall, you enter from the main door. But you shouldn’t go out from the main door. You should go our from the ceiling.
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